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Mark Attwood's "God Wins"

Spiritual War Poetry 2020-2022

Exclusively available as an expensive hardback here only. Not available on Amazon or any other Cabal website.

"If I'm right, this book is a valuable collectors item. If I'm wrong, it's very expensive toilet paper"

The Latest Episodes

We Are But Ghosts In Meat Suits On A Little Adventure Called Life…

We are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are spirits having a human experience:
ghosts in meat suits, which is where the idea of my show “Adventures in a Cosmic Suit” evolved from.




Mark Attwood hosts the podcast “The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit” and, like most of us, has spent his entire life in this incarnation trying to work out the meaning of life and battling demons.

During COVID his work as a poet gained international recognition and he toured the United States in 2022 as the only British representative to speak at all 17 venues in 30 days on Truth Tour 2. His show has been banned multiple times on multiple online platforms but he remains an “Apolocaloptimist” knowing that we are at the end of a great spiritual war, that the human race and Gaia are ascending into higher dimensions and that those of us “awake” chose to come here.

His humour, irreverence and lack of fear are his main weapons against the demonic forces that want the most of us dead, and he is 100% sure of a positive outcome for humanity and the Universe at large. Either that or we’re all dead, so you wouldn’t miss him anyway. His poetry collection “God Wins: Spiritual War Poetry 2020-22” is only available on www.themarkattwoodshow.com for anyone that needs a book so heavy it doubles up as a weapon on their coffee table.

If you’d like to watch the movie “Where You Attwood? Truth Across America”, get it here: https://tmas.tv/movie

We Are Sovereign.

My endlessly optimistic mission: Spiritual searching and intellectual questioning through the awakening process as we discover and rediscover new ways of living and organising our world for a bright and beautiful future for all of us and our descendants.

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(or make you spit yer tea out)


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